Forms Documents & Links
Member Benefits
Code of Ethics
Fair Housing
Education Classes & Webinars
Government Relations, RAF & RPAC
Membership Forms
- Department of Real Estate: www.dre.ca.gov
- California Association of REALTORS: www.car.org
- National Association of REALTORS: www.realtor.org
- Inland Fair Housing & Mediation Board: www.ifhmb.com
- Supra: https://www.suprasystems.com/
- California Regional MLS (CRMLS): www.crmls.org
REALTOR® Membership Benefits
HDAOR REALTOR® Member Benefits:
The High Desert Association of REALTORS® is affiliated with both California and National Association of REALTORS®. Members may take advantage of the wide range of services offered.
Knowledgeable and courteous support staff
CAR Legal Hotline
Professional Standards
Education (Virtual and Live)
REALTOR® supply store
MLS support
Payment plan for Annual Dues
Auto Pay
General Membership monthly meetings
Homes Pro
The Homes Pro app is powered by Homes.com, one of the most popular search sites for potential buyers to browse through property listings. High traffic means an increased chance to capture leads – and the Homes Pro app is your best agent and broker-focused tool to do that.
Submit an offer using Glide
- Get notifications on offer status
- Receive an email or SMS when the listing agent views or interacts with your offer.
- Easily rescind and counter offers
- Void offers that haven’t been viewed and submit counter offer documents.
- Keep documents secure
Leverage integrated MLS, tax assessor, county, recorder and other proprietary national, regional and local data all in one powerful web application.
ListHub is a powerful benefit of MLS membership, providing a comprehensive and easy-to-use platform for managing the online advertising of listings!
CRMLS Marketplace: Styldod
Styldod is a virtual staging and image editing product. Through AI software, you can get creative and spruce up a room by adding virtual furniture in a variety of styles to interior property photos.
CRMLS Marketplace discounts:
• 20% off on all services
• One free Virtual Staging image
• Free AI tools Read more…
PhotoPerfect App
PhotoPerfectApp is an HDR style photography app that takes photos with Android and I-phone devices. Users can create a Photo-Show of the photos that is combined with music within the app.
PhotoPerfectApp (Lite), will be provided to all CRMLS members as a free app for one year
ShowingTime products and services improve the showing scheduling and management process for real estate agents, allowing them to focus on more important tasks in growing their business.
Nestfully connects consumers to the freshest and most accurate listing information straight from the MLS — and it connects YOU to qualified leads at no charge.
Nestfully enhances agents’ marketing efforts by:
- Promoting listings
- Attracting qualified leads
- Routing them to you
want more?
See more member benefits on your MLS dashboard
SavvyCard is your interactive digital business card, personal website, and marketing portal combined!
How do I get started?
Simply claim your account here: https://www.savvycard.com/get-savvycard
Wellcome Mat
WellcomeMat is the video hosting software designed for the real estate industry, and CRMLS Matrix users can now get to work using this latest no-cost, core product.
C.A.R. Member Benefits
As a HDAOR REALTOR® Member, you are also a member of C.A.R.! Explore some of their benefits below. For more information visit: https://www.car.org/en/members/benefits
California Rental Listing Service
The California Rental Listing Service is here! Rental Beast and the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® are bringing the California Rental Market to C.A.R. Members!
Self-Employment Taxes Made Easy! Get real-time quarterly tax estimates, and let Hurdlr Premium automatically track your income, expenses, and tax deductions. This highly rated app is now FREE for all C.A.R. members!
Lone Wolf Transactions ZipForm® Edition
Lone Wolf ZipForm® Edition Plus is a FREE member benefit from NAR & C.A.R. The essential real estate transaction management and forms software with all the must have features, including current statewide contracts, local forms, and more.
Realcare Insurance
Don’t Miss Open Enrollment for C.A.R. Endorsed Medical, Vision, Dental Insurance Real Care Insurance. Open Enrollment is held twice a year!
How to Register: www.RealCareCAR.com
REALTOR Secure Transaction
Transaction Tips & Training – Training calendar and quick access to resources and tips to master each stage of the transaction when you need it.
C.A.R. Member Discounts
The C.A.R. Member Discount Program is here to provide you with special offers and savings on the products and services you need most.
N.A.R. Member Benefits
HDAOR REALTOR® Members are also members of the National Association of REALTORS® (N.A.R.)! Explore some of their benefits below. For more information visit: https://www.nar.realtor/realtor-benefits-program
Find/REALTOR.com professional search
The Find application is a nationwide research tool that quickly searches listings and public records and presents those results in a combined view.
House Logic
HouseLogic is a free source of information and tools from the NAR that you can use to help your clients make smart and timely decisions about their homes. HouseLogic content covers home improvement, maintenance, taxes, finance, insurance, and ways for homeowners to get involved in and enrich their communities.
RPR REALTORS Property Resource
RPR is a national database of assessor, recorder, and mortgage data, MLS content, foreclosure information, demographics, neighborhood data, and more.
How to Register: To login to RPR directly, visit www.narrpr.com . On your first visit you’ll need to sign up for your account. Enter your last name and NRDS ID number, clicking “sign up.” RPR will verify your name and NRDS Number, and then you will go through a four-step wizard, including creating your password.
REALTOR® Content Resource
Choose from hundreds of articles on homeownership, homebuying, and selling to help you keep in touch with consumers before and after the sale.
How to Register: Log in to the REALTOR® Content Resource by visiting: https://members.houselogic.com/ Type in your NRDS member ID & you’ll be prompted through a quick, 3–step process
Affiliate Member Benefits

When you become a High Desert Association of REALTOR® Affiliate Member, you will be part of an amazing High Desert Community!
We work hard to put on community events, charity fundraising events, networking opportunities for you, weekly newsletters & monthly meetings. You will be invited to participate in our meetings, events and even some committees.
Come and help us make our REALTORS®, our community & our association the best it can be!
file a complaint
Ombudsman Program
If you are in a dispute with a member, but do not want to file an official complaint, you may call our office to determine if your issue may be resolved through the use of our Ombudsman Program. This program is designed to have an experienced member contact both parties and attempt to settle the matter in a timely way. If no agreement is reached, the complainant may then file a formal Ethics complaint.
The Ombudsman’s role is primarily one of communication and conciliation, not adjudication, Ombudsmen do not determine whether ethics violations have occurred, rather they anticipate, identify, and resolve misunderstandings and disagreements before matters ripen into disputes and possible charges of unethical conduct.
As an alternative to arbitration, the Association has available mediation. Mediation is a dispute resolution process whereby a mediator works with you and the other parties to facilitate a mutually acceptable resolution of your dispute. In comparison to arbitration, mediation is usually less adversarial and less formal and the parties are more directly involved in the decision making process to resolve their dispute. As a general policy, the Association promotes mediation and strongly encourages you to consider using mediation.
While the Association promotes mediation, please be advised of the following. If you are the complainant in the dispute, you still need to file an arbitration complaint with the Association to preserve your right to arbitration. Also, mediation is a voluntary process and a mediation conference can only be scheduled for those parties that agree to mediation. If any party to your dispute does not agree to mediation, arbitration will be necessary to resolve the dispute as it pertains to you and those parties. Finally, if you are unable to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of the dispute through mediation, an arbitration hearing will have to be scheduled.
The mediation request from should be forwarded to:
High Desert Association of REALTORS®
Attention: Diane Smith or Veronica Swarts Professional Standards Administrators
11890 Hesperia Rd Hesperia, CA 92345
Email veronica@hdaor.com or diane@hdaor.com
Contact a staff member at 760.244.8841
Disciplinary Information
Please Read: Before you File an Ethics Complaint
Even with the best of intentions, planning and preparation, occasional disagreements arise between agents and their clients or customers. If a monetary dispute arises from a real estate transaction or if you believe an agent mayimages have acted in an unethical manner, contact HDAOR.
Complaints that are brought before the Association give those parties involved an opportunity to be educated about the REALTOR® Code of Ethics (and/or the Multiple Listing Service’s Rules and Regulations. In addition, REALTORS® are judged by their peers as opposed to other individuals, who may be far less familiar with the practices and customs of the real estate industry.
What is it?
A disciplinary alleges that a REALTOR® has violated an Article(s) of the Code of Ethics or an MLS participant or subscriber has violated the Multiple Listing Service Rules and Regulations.
Who can file a disciplinary complaint?
Any person, whether a member or not, having reason to believe that an HDAOR REALTOR® member or MLS participant or subscriber is in violation of any conduct subject to disciplinary action.
Please feel free to contact a Staff Member at 760.244.8841 to determine which package is applicable to your case.
Print All Documents under your applicable Catagory, fill them out & then email them to Veronica@hdaor.com or Diane@hdaor.com.
Ethics Complaints, Arbitration Requests and Related Information
REALTORS® are different from non-member licensees in that they voluntarily subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics. If you believe that a REALTOR® has violated one or more Articles of the Code of Ethics, you can file an ethics complaint alleging a violation(s) through the local association of REALTORS® where the REALTOR® holds membership, or participates in a REALTOR® association-owned/operated MLS. You may search for a member’s local affiliation here.
In addition, REALTORS® agree as a condition of membership to arbitrate contractual disputes and specific non-contractual disputes as provided for in Article 17 of the NAR Code of Ethics.
Below are several resources to help you understand what filing and processing an ethics complaint and arbitration request entails, and the general process you can expect when filing an ethics complaint or arbitration request with a local association of REALTORS®. Check with the local association of REALTORS® to ensure you have the proper forms required by that association. Click Here for more information.
What is Arbitration?
An arbitration request involves a dispute over entitlement to a monetary transaction (over a commission).
Disputes subject to arbitration include: disputes with other members arising out of the real estate business and their relationship as REALTORS®.
With respect to MLS participants and subscribers, they agree to arbitrate disputes that not only arise out of the real estate business but they must be in conjunction with a listing filed in or with the MLS. MLS participants/subscribers are not obligated to arbitrate with the general public or their clients.
Disputes subject to arbitration include: contractual disputes with a member’s client arising out of an agency relationship between the member and client, provided the client agrees to submit the dispute to binding arbitration using the Association’s facilities and be bound by the arbitration award.
Public to REALTOR® - Arbitration Package
Please download ALL the forms below:
- C.A.R. Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual
- Arbitration for Public Packet – 1st Page
- PA – 1 Member of the Public_Arbitration Complaint Form
- PA – 2 Client Information Sheet
To assist you in filing an arbitration complaint you will need the following information:
- Forms PA-1 & PA-2 which requires your completion
- Please download and review the Arbitration for Public Packet & the California Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual
- Please be advised that in order for a complaint to be consider filed timely with the Association, the complaint must be filed within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days after the closing of the transaction, if any, or after the facts constituting the arbitrable matter could have been known in the exercise of reasonable diligence, whichever is later. Also, you may want to become familiar with the California Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual as this is the set of rules that are used to process complaints filed with the Association. Finally, since the Association is not a government entity, it does not have authority to take action regarding the licensing status of its members.
- Please enclose a check in the amount of $500.00 for the administration filing fee with this complaint.
Before filing a complaint or requesting arbitration, please contact HDAOR at (760)244-8841. An HDAOR staff member can help you to determine which package is applicable to your case.
* * Download All documents under your applicable category & submit by email to Veronica@hdaor.com or Diane@hdaor.com.
REALTOR® to REALTOR® - Arbitration Package
Please download the following:
- 2024 California Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual
- Ethics and Arbitration Information
- A 1 Arbitration Complaint
- Procuring Cause Guidelines
To assist you in filing an arbitration complaint you will need the following information:
- A blank Complaint Form (A-1), which requires your completion.
- Brief written details outlining the complaint MUST accompany the form.
- Please download and review the Procuring Cause Guidelines & the California Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual
Please be advised that in order for a complaint to be consider filed timely with the Association, the complaint must be filed within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days after the closing of the transaction, if any, or after the facts constituting the arbitrable matter could have been known in the exercise of reasonable diligence, whichever is later. Also, you may want to become familiar with the California Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual as this is the set of rules that are used to process complaints filed with the Association. Finally, since the Association is not a government entity, it does not have authority to take action regarding the licensing status of its members.
Please enclose a check in the amount of $500.00 for the administration filing fee with this complaint.
Before filing a complaint or requesting arbitration, please contact HDAOR at (760)244-8841. We can help you determine which package is applicable to your case.
* * Download all documents under your applicable category & submit by email to Veronica@hdaor.com or Diane@hdaor.com.
Code of ethics
Current Cycle
January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027
Existing REALTOR® members must complete 2.5 hours of ethics training, meeting specific learning objectives and criteria, within three-year cycles.
REALTORS® who have completed the required ethics training within a three-year cycle in one association shall not be required to complete any further ethics training for that same training cycle if the REALTOR® becomes or is a member of another association.
Existing members wishing to fulfill the Code of Ethics Training Requirement can use these resources: Check your Code of Ethics Status
Take the Online Course: NEW: Continuing Education (“CE”) Option OR Free Existing Member Course
As required for REALTOR® membership, all REALTORS® must complete at least 2.5 hours of ethics training that meets specific learning objectives and criteria. The current cycle deadline is Dec. 31, 2027. Why wait? Head to nar.realtor/code-of-ethics-training to check your status and view training options today.
I already took a Code of Ethics class, but it is not reflected on the NAR’s website. What should I do?
If you have taken an approved Code of Ethics class, send a copy of your completion certificate to rosemary@hdaor.com for processing and verification.
Policy Summary for REALTORS® Code of Ethics Training
Members of the National Association of REALTORS® are required to complete periodic ethics training of not less than 2 hours and 30 minutes of instructional time once every three years. Boards/Associations are required to provide access to such programs to members either on their own, in conjunction with other Boards/Associations, or through some other method (such as home study, correspondence or internet based courses). Any course offered by a Board/Association, regardless of format, must meet the learning objectives and minimum criteria for such courses as established by the National Association of REALTORS® from time to time.
A REALTOR® who has completed such periodic ethics training in any three year period in one Board/Association shall not be required to complete any further ethics training in such period if the REALTOR® is a member of another Board or Boards. In addition, a member may take such courses to satisfy the periodic ethics training through any Board/Association so long as the member can provide satisfactory documentation of completion to the member’s primary Board/Association.
A new member of a Board/Association who has completed the New Member Code of Ethics Orientation shall not be required to complete periodic ethics training until the expiration of the three year cycle in which the new member completed the New Member Code of Ethics Orientation.
Failure to complete the required periodic ethics training shall be a violation of a membership duty for which violation the member’s primary Board/Association shall suspend the member until such time as the member completes the required training.
Failure to meet the requirement
Failure to meet the requirement will result in suspended membership for the first two months (January and February) of the year following the end of any three (3) year cycle or until the requirement is met, whichever occurs sooner. On March 1 of that year, the membership of a member who is still suspended as of that date will be automatically terminated. Read more..
For more information
HDAOR Member Rosters
The goal of the REALTOR® Safety Program is to reduce the number of safety incidents that occur in the industry, so every REALTOR® comes home safely to his or her family every night. We will accomplish this goal together with our members by improving the Safety Culture in the industry: Talk about safety; create a safety plan and follow it; and encourage your fellow REALTORS® to do the same.
Top 5 Safety Action Items for REALTORS®
- Plan Your Safety Strategy
- Tips and Best Practices
- Training Videos
- Personal Protection Resources
- Take the REALTOR® Safety Pledge
Visit for more information: https://www.nar.realtor/safety

Fair Housing News
The High Desert Association of REALTORS® is committed to providing Fair Housing education to our members. On this page you will find videos, links & webinars. We encourage all our members to utilize fair practices and stay up-to-date on Fair Housing news!
Buying or selling a home is more than a transaction—it’s fundamental to your long-term goals and financial future. Consumers and agents all have rights and responsibilities to promote a home buying or selling process free from discrimination. Here’s what you need to know:
What is “fair housing” and how does it help me?
The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing and housing-related transactions based on race, color, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), national origin, religion, disability, or familial status. Local and state fair housing laws may prohibit discrimination on additional protected classes. The bottom line is that discrimination hurts all sides of a home transaction, closes the door on the American dream of homeownership, and perpetuates economic inequality. Homebuyers, home sellers and real estate professionals depend on strong fair housing laws and practices for our communities and economy to thrive.
How do fair housing laws apply to me as a buyer?
You should expect to receive the same professional service in the homebuying process regardless of any protected characteristic. This includes equitable treatment by your agent, the seller, the seller’s agent, appraisers, lenders, and others involved in your home search and purchase. You should also expect your agent to provide you with home options in your price range regardless of the racial or ethnic composition of neighborhoods.
How do fair housing laws apply to me as a seller?
You cannot discriminate when selling your home based on the buyer’s race, color, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), national origin, religion, disability, or familial status. You also cannot instruct your agent to conduct a sale any differently based on these prohibited reasons. That means you cannot advertise your home to just one or to a limited number of groups.
How does working with an agent who is a REALTOR® help ensure fair housing practices are followed?
In addition to an obligation to comply with applicable fair housing laws, REALTORS® adhere to the highest ethical standards. the REALTOR® Code of Ethics obligates REALTORS® to provide equal professional services to all consumers. Among other ethical duties, REALTORS® must not discuss the demographic composition of a neighborhood, advertise a property in a way that indicates any preference, limitations, or discrimination for a prohibited reason. Read more about REALTORS’® duty to put client interests above their own here.
Where can I report suspected discrimination in the homebuying or selling process?
Report housing discrimination to the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and ethical violations to your agent’s state or local REALTOR® Association (find an association here). You can also report concerns to a local nonprofit fair housing organization (find by ZIP code here). Fair housing laws prohibit harassment or intimidation if you report discriminatory behavior.
The Fair Housing Act is a federal law; many state and local laws provide additional protections. Consult your real estate professional, an attorney, and your state’s housing authority for details about applicable fair housing laws where you are selling or purchasing a home. Please visit facts.realtor for more information and resources.
REALTORS® are members of the National Association of REALTORS®
Window to the Law: Ensuring Impartial Appraisals
Real estate transactions rely on an objective appraisal to determine a home’s market value, but evidence suggests there’s potential for racial bias in the appraisal process. Learn more about the Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity action plan to eliminate racial and ethnic bias in home valuations, and find tips to ensure an impartial appraisal. Read More…

How can I report housing discrimination?
To report a discrimination complaint, request a fair housing training, or request information and resources, call 1-800-321-0911 ext. 175 or email fairhousing@ifhmb.com. Our trained fair housing specialists can assist you in the filing of a fair housing complaint or provide you with information on your housing rights.

The California Association of REALTORS® proudly provides REALTORS® with information about fair housing best practices, building inclusive businesses and organizations, and promoting more equitable communities.
See how Fairhaven, NAR’s new fair housing training simulation for REALTORS®, allows members to test their compliance with fair housing principles by using the power of storytelling to identify, prevent, and address discriminatory practices in real estate.
Government Relations
RPAC: Your Best Investment in Real Estate
The REALTOR® Party is a powerful alliance of REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations working to advance public policies and candidates that build strong communities, protect property interests, and promote a vibrant business environment.
Visit for more information: REALTORPARTY.REALTOR
Why Political Involvement?
Since 1969 RPAC has been promoting the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates across the United States. During the last federal election cycle alone, RPAC contributed over $12 million to pro-REALTOR® candidates to Congress, making it the number one trade association political action committee in the nation.
Why has RPAC been successful?
In America the exercise of good government has its foundation in the participation of its citizens in politics. By definition of the work you do, REALTORS® are contributors to the American dream- home ownership. REALTORS® make it possible for people to bring value to their communities, their lives, to schools and to the future. Increasingly REALTORS® are facing forces from many directions that threaten their ability to help bring about the American dream for more people. Increasing health care premiums, the economy, property tax burdens, rent controls, impact fees and the taking of private property for the public domain are only a quick handful of issues that somewhere, everyday REALTORS® confront.
That is why it is vitally important that REALTORS® be politically active: to take on the responsibility of protecting the values and rights we hold dear. If not REALTORS®… then who? No one knows a community better than a REALTOR®. It would be difficult to believe that a local no-growth group would represent your real estate business interests, or that those employed by the local government know best how much and where to spend the tax dollar better than you do. REALTORS® are the experts on their communities. REALTORS® know the lay of the land, the families, the best schools, the neighborhoods, and the leaders. With REALTORS® in virtually every community in the nation, you are in a strong position to be on the front line as either a proponent or a defender.
Failure to be involved politically can and likely will result in someone else filling the vacuum left by you. That may sound okay at first; because we are sure someone else will do the job and see things as we do. That is until one discovers that the voices being heard may be contrary to wise business planning and a threat to property owners and their rights. If you as a REALTOR® do not speak out, get involved, and help shape your community, someone else will. It is a good bet that they won’t be supportive of your position.
On the national level, we give our money to those in Congress who both understand and support REALTOR® issues. We look to build the future by putting RPAC dollars in places that will help advance the interests of Real Estate professionals. RPAC is the only political group in the country organized for REALTORS®, run by REALTORS® and exists solely to further issues important to REALTORS®.

REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF)
What is REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF)?
RAF is a vital service for YOU and YOUR business. Did you know that 30% of your RAF contribution supports local issues that will affect your livelihood? By contributing to the REALTOR® Action Fund, you are helping to protect private property rights through C.A.R.’s lobbying efforts, and local issues and candidate campaigns. Your participation will keep this going!
Contributions to the REALTOR® Action Fund have stopped:
- Point of sale mandates that could have cost the homeowner $1000s of dollars reducing their equity or may have even prevented the sale from going through.
- Direct taxing of REALTOR® commissions and other services related to the transaction.
- Political candidates who are against building housing and against REALTOR® issues.
How can you contribute?
Call HDAOR at 760.244.8841/ Email Accounting at Kristy@hdaor.com or Veronica@hdaor.com / Fill out a Credit Card Authorization Form with your desired contribution amount and email it to accounting at Veronica@hdaor.com or Kristy@hdaor.com.
Voluntary contribution amounts:
$20 Introduction level, $49 Minimum Cost of doing business or $148 True cost of doing business. Any amount is helpful and appreciated!
Learn more about the REALTOR® Action Fund: https://youtu.be/9EsPoieM2jo?si=IRRT2-ynIIenFDJg